Access-Ability Offers the Loan of Durable Medical Equipment to Help People Gain Greater Independence
Access-Ability Offers the Loan of Durable Medical Equipment to Help People Gain Greater Independence
Access-Ability Offers the Loan of Durable Medical Equipment to Help People Gain Greater Independence

Access-Ability Offers the Loan of Durable Medical Equipment to Help People Gain Greater Independence
Access-Ability Offers the Loan of Durable Medical Equipment to Help People Gain Greater Independence

Partnering with Organizations

Ornaments Come in Gold Stamp Imprinted Felt Lined Boxes with Choice of Color, Ribbon Tie Hanger and enclosed Informational Brochure.

Access-Ability Provides Wheelchairs
The inaugural A Day in a Wheelchair consisted of 25 individuals, mostly elected or appointed civic leaders, were recruited to spend three to four hours in a wheelchair the morning of Oct. 27, 2017.
See link for newspaper article:
Cummins Volunteers

Spiritual poem for those who have lost a loved ones, hopefully aiding in their grieving experience.
Press button below for an 8" x 10" size to print.
Letter From Heaven
These brave engineers from Cummins came in to fix six wheel chairs in the short time they were in the equipment room.
Access-Ability Helps With Senior Projects
Andrew Jones's senior project was choosen as one of the top extraordinary projects that benefit the community. Andrew helped raise $5,000 selling ornaments for our agency in 2013.
Here he is with his buddies testing Access-Ability's power chairs, learning of the difficulties of the handicapped.
Thanks Andrew for a wonderful job. Students interested, call Cindy at: 812- 314-2899 or

Andrew Jones from the North High School wrestling team, selling ornaments at the Farmer's Market in downtown Columbus for his senior project, which won the "Best Senior Project" .
Dear Volunteers and Supporters,
l feel so privileged to work with all the great people associated with Access-Ability.
Because of the contributions from each of you, Access-Ability is able to provide much
neededassistance to our neighbors with disabilities and various health challenges
across Indiana counties served. Regardless of your job responsibilities, you can and
should be proud of your contribution to this valuable service.
I can't emphasize enough the importance of everyone's role in the Access-Ability mission.
Whether you work in client services, administration or maintenance, the mission could
not be done as efficiently without your contribution.
Since many of you have few opportunities for interaction outside your own area of work,
it may be easy to forget how your individual role fits in with others' work. Let me assure you
that whatever you do is an integral part of Access-Ability services.
We can be proud of the level of excellence reached by Access-Ability. The service
provided by Access-Ability reaches new levels every day. Each level up the ladder requires
us individually and collectively to strive for even greater performance as we continue to improve in everything we do.
It has been more than 52 years since Access-Ability (Formerly Easter Seals) started as a Non-profit agency.
The first 40 years were as an all volunteer support group. While often we were able to help one another through advocacy and referral, far too often the needed equipment was not available to working people. There was an obvious need for assistance for people who earned too much to qualify for traditional assistance, but did not earn enough to afford the disability and health related equipment they needed.
Still, I am certain of this much: you are with Access-Ability today and your contribution is invaluable.
Thank you so much for everything you do.
Cynthia Olson
Our office and storage is located in the United Way Center at 1531 13th Street
Phone: 812-314-2899 or Email: